--------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.4-beta3 2024-12-02 --------------------------------- - fixed several critical bugs in curved slicing --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.4-beta2 2024-11-21 --------------------------------- - fixed a bug that set path colors in previewer all blue - disabled debug dumps from curved slicing - eliminated some unnecessary curved slicing settings --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.4-beta1 2024-11-08 --------------------------------- - added experimental implementation of curve slicing - added feature of scarf joints - added new type of plugin: post processing contours - removed Gyroid infiller and replaced with a more configurable TPMS infiller (Triply periodic minimal surface) - added option to calculate fan speed w.r.t overhang angle - improved optizor contrast output by restricting the angle to a half a radian - added brim and raft flow multiplier parameters and extruder selection for brim - added maximal volumetric flow parameter per extruder - added support for newline in tooltips for shader infills - fixed bug preventing tooltips from appearing when it's a button setting that has parameters --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.3 2024-05-15 --------------------------------- PyIceSL: *official release of pyicesl v.01; python bindings for IceSL's modeling and slicing pipeline * see official documentation in https://gitlab.inria.fr/mfx/icesl-documentation/-/wikis/Python-module - printer selection drop-down places the last three profiles used on top Otizor infiller: * added support for non-square images * fixed various bugs including bad orientation angle specification Plugin system: * added layer height and thickness to post-processing type plugin interface - fixed bug with isotropic phasor with certain inclinations - fixed bug that rendered service mode unusable - transition to CPP17 - added option to not generate bridges - fixed bug in 'set_setting_value' when doing a per-layer assignment - fixed bug where post-processing plugins were ignored - fixed bug that prevented reporting the slicer version on GCode files - fixed bug where fields were not set to a valid value when initializing them Forge: - fixed crash when selecting image for optizor infiller WebForge: * implemented highlight of primitive in editor via selection in scene view * added support for per-layer and field parameters * added support for 3D textures in lua script * implemented non-square rendering * added support for brush colors * fixed bug where primitive pointers were dellocating and segfaulting Slicrafter: * added support for field parameters * added support for cutting plane (a.k.a. inspection plane) * added support for painting field parameters --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.3-beta5 2024-01-17 --------------------------------- - introducing WebForge*, an online csg modeling subset of IceSL desktop version. Go to IceSL's website to check it out!!! *temporal name - improved wing supports with triangular structure shape (this is still in testing phase) - fixed path previewer remaining open when loading a new script - fixed bug where some transformations would wrongly center objects on printing bed - update checker is now threaded to avoid hanging when IceSL server is down - fixed brush contour offset bug - multiple fixes and optimization to optizor infiller - setting optizor infill direction from an image can be now done through a UI button - fixed bug where dexel buffer resolution would get to high when slicing - avoided crash when creating a 3D texture via lua that exceeds memory size Forge: * Editor cursor set to last position when passing printing setting to the script via ctrl+right_click * fixed bug in path previewer not showing the extruder tooltip in certain positions --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.3-beta2 2023-10-12 --------------------------------- - fixed bug where using the discrete slicer was crashing IceSL - added error message when creating a 3d texture in a script that would exceed the vram limitations --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.3-beta1 2023-10-09 --------------------------------- - added previewer plugins using skeleton structures for fast rendering - Skeleton (Geometry shader): uses a geometry shader - Skeleton (Mesh shader): uses a mesh shader. Available only on selected video cards (i.e., turing architecture in NVidia) - added Optizor infill: - this infill allows to orient infill direction in a faster and more coherent way than the phazor infill - infill direction can either be painted with the mouse or set via an external image (.png and .jpg formats supported) - avoided black coloring when per-layer settings were specified from the base of the print (i.e., 0 height) - enabled multi-color printing in multi-extruder capable printers - fixed crash when optimizing layer thickness in empty geometry - travel_max_length_without_retract can now be specified per-layer - added setting to offset a brush contour to prevent (when necessary) the contamination of multi-material prints - optimized field painting in machines with low specs - printing bed is now aware of alpha values (i.e., transparency) set in icesl-themes - fixed bug in travel optimization - added export gcode thumbnails as UI option --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.2 2023-06-29 --------------------------------- - added ui uniforms in shader infillers (see README.md in 'icesl-infillers' folder) - added control string to service mode (see service mode documentation) - added anti-aliasing in DLP service when using PNG output - fixed bug in per-layer mode on phasor infiller - fixed per-layer color maps slowdown - fixed bug in polygonal slicer where some shapes would not be sliced - fixed multimateriales parameters not shown when required - increased progress bar resolution in g-code viewer - added lithophane model to 'icesl-models' - new tweak 'ui_OpenFile' (see scripting documentation) --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.1 2023-03-06 --------------------------------- - fixed bug in deposition of shells that sometimes would cut corners and hence leave the printing perimeter - added supprot for circular beds - added thumbnail to gcode output format in the GCode service - use of IO/OS libraries now propagates to printer profiles and saves between executions - clipping plane now is a checkbox - added thumbnail to cdbdlp outout format in the DLP service - changed UI colormaps when painting to Twilight (when value is an angle) and Viridis (otherwise) - web installers now fetch the msi files from our https domain (Windows only) - added dependency on openssl to allow for updating tooltips online fom our https domain - increased maximum size of brush for painting fields - fixed wrong hiding condition of parameter 'travel_max_length_without_retract_min' - fixed imprecise aligment in the SVG service - allowed for cubic infills to be at least 1% dense - fixed bug in 'lua_set_setting_value' for direction fields - saved direction field UI state when switching to other fields - moved SVG output coordinates to the positive Y plane when using the SVG service - added log scale option when setting infill densities. This allows for more fine control of lower densities (~5% - ~50%) - added correct progress number to progress bar when slicing meshes - optimized rendering of scenes with multiple cubes - fixed crash when only printing brims or rafts Forge: * updated .Net framework dependency to 4.8 * added ctrl+right_click support for brush color selection * set IceSL icon to forge executable Slicecrafter: * fixed bug that distorted cdbdlp output in DLP service --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.0 2022-09-29 --------------------------------- - added slicing capabilities for resin printers (called DLPSlicer) * support for photon format (cbddlp), png output, wow and b9j format * able to process CSG scripts and stl models * includes support structure generation (method from https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03700018) * ability to lift the print, add drainage holes and generate a raft - cutting plane is now a global UI element (in Bed positioning and Inspection section on the settings panel) - added plugin system documentation link to Help section - fixed discontinuity bug for dense cunston shader infills - refactored internal settings with *per_pixels names to *per_pixel for semantic consistency Forge: * added netrual transformation functions when drag and dropping stl models * force script udpate when drag and dropping assets even when auto refresh is disabled Plugins: * Post-Processing plugins: added boolean parameter to allow the user to know/set when a layer is spiralized * Post-Processing plugins: added boolean flag to indicate when a layer is divided into different parts based on the extruder it’s using * Machine-code plugins: IceSL now informs when plugin reports and error * Machine-code plugins: fixed bug where IceSL would not correctly deduce the output format when raising a save file dialog Slicecrafter: * added slicing capabilities for resin printers --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.0-beta4 2022-06-21 -------------------------------- - fixed flow problem in the variable-width contouring plugin - fixed a bug in the polygonal slicer that crashes IceSL in certain CSG constructs - fixed incorrect width of deposition paths in the previewer when the nozzle diameter was too big Forge: * fixed ctrl+right_click on UI parameters for boolean settings --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.0-beta3 2022-05-06 -------------------------------- - official release of the IceSL plugin system: https://gitlab.inria.fr/mfx/icesl-documentation/-/wikis/Plugin-system - introduced inner support method 'Ribs'; minimizes the infill deposition in a volume - fixed bug of unwanted painting of geometry when interacting with the UI compass window using the left click while the geometry was underneath it - reduced the size of the UI compass - added retracting/priming on supports - fixed tagging of dense infill as gapfill - incresed maximum printing speed to 10,000mm/s - cleaned printer profiles. Legacy printers are no longer packed with IceSL, but accessible at https://github.com/shapeforge/icesl-printers/tree/legacy/ --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.0-beta1 2022-03-28 --------------------------------- - fixed crash when saving G-code - fixed 'x' button for clearing per-field/field edits when using more than one brush - set wings supports' rib width default value to 3mm - reworked color pallets in some parameters for their per-layer/field editing tool Slicer: - increased the scaling control maximum value to 100 --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.5.0-beta1 2022-03-25 --------------------------------- - added a UI compass to paint fields specifying angles more easily - user can now hide a specific type of path in the previewer by cliking on its legend color box - created a separate path color fill for tiny gaps in the previewer - splitted z-lift up and down speed movements in the printing settings --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.4 2022-02-15 --------------------------------- - fixed bug with cylinder and cone creation where base radius was smalled than specified - fixed wrong count of progress steps when exporting to mesh and using methods mesh ribbons and mesh slices - corrected min value for of processing tile size in SVG slicer that was inconsistent with its tooltip --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.3 2021-12-20 --------------------------------- - fixed issue in spiralization that introduced gaps - fixed brush support for polygonal slicer - information on dimentions now with two decimals - default infill percentage is 20% unless it's specifically set on the printe profile - added warning when print exceeds the z dimension of the printing volume - better positioning of tweak windows - added comparison of vectors and matrixes on lua scripts - added identity matrix to lua scripts (keyword 'Id') - added christmas tree to icesl-models repo Forge: * fixed ctrl+right_click functionality for settings that are selection Slicer: * added effect 'snap to bed'. This effect allows to choose a surface point on the print where it will be snaped to the bed surface. It's useful when models aren't properly aligned to be 3d printed. --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.2 2021-11-23 --------------------------------- - corrected orientation in SVG export script function - added slicing algorithm setting to SVG slicer - added is_path_outer_perimeter boolean variable to printer profiles. True when the path is an external perimeter on the geometry - fixed a tag mismatched when using fit_single_path - added tooltip when painting a field with its value at the 3d coordinate pointed by by the mouse cursor - updated and reworded some tooltips - slightly raised travel paths in previewer to visually discern them better - fixed bug where path endings were not being shown on previewer sometimes - fixed bug where 3D coordinate axes will not appear when editing a field - fixed bugs in Wings support creation - 'set_setting_value' now enforces minimum/maximum value - infill percentages over 95% now produce a proper dense infill - improved bridging of overhang perimeters - improved slicing of narrow paths - fixed several issues with single path infills - fixed bug that prevented from visualizing tower in the path previewer - fixed misstaged shells in path previewer Forge: * fixed crash when clicking update notification Variable width infiller: * improved and cleaner code * added option for infiller to override IceSL's perimeter and shells and generate its own * added setting to chose number of perimeters created by the infiller with the remaining surface falling back to a native IceSL infiller --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.1 2021-09-08 --------------------------------- - fixed misplaced assert that prevented slicing multi-extruder prints --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.0 2021-08-04 --------------------------------- - separated perimeter and cover printing speed as individual parameters --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.0-beta4 2021-06-30 --------------------------------- - significant performance optimization to g-code previewer - fixed bug in material mixing where an extruder might be set incorrectly - priming and retraction speed separated into their own printing parameters - updated printing speed limit in IceSL for newer 3d printers - fixed bug where g-code previewer would render incorrectly when slicing after being in transparency view on CSG - fixed bug when setting density to 0 in progressive infiller - fixed bug in the phasor infiller where in a small number of cases some incorrect singularities would appear in the infill structure - added the following printer profiles: Wasp 2040, Artillery SW X1, Kingroon P3, Anycubic Mega Zero and Voron V0 --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.0-beta3 2021-04-08 --------------------------------- - added phasor infiller (via https://github.com/ThibaultTricard) - added extruder ID tooltip to the gcode previewer - removed chinese language due to lack of updating - added setting to choose extruder for printing raft - added option to avoid fetching tooltips remotely (use when no internet connection is available) - fixed misnomer of perimeter path type in legend - shit + mouse wheel increses/decreaes cutting plane when editing fields Slicecrafter: * fixed path type tooltip bug --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.0-beta2 2021-01-27 --------------------------------- - path type tooltip in g-code previewer for color blind people Forge: - Ctrl + right click on setting name writes the equivalent set_setting_value sentence in the code editor to save the setting value. Works with constant, per-layer and field values. Linux: - updated dependencies file - fixed liblua and libluabind shared libary depenency path on exectutable --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.4.0-beta1 2020-12-09 --------------------------------- - new infiller: variable width (via https://github.com/horasio) - printer profiles now have access to two variables 'path_attributes' 'vertex_attributes'. See printer profile documenation for details - brim now behaves as a `skirt` when the distance between the brim and the part is set to zero. - improved dual contouring stability - spiralize detection improved - font lua function can now load IceSL's default font - added internal setting `preserve_zigzag_strict_ordering` Slicecrafter: * Fix crash when loading non-watertight models --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.5 2020-10-06 --------------------------------- - raft generation reworked and improved - fixed bug where bed size error would trigger --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.5-beta6 2020-09-15 --------------------------------- - added spiralize UI button to correctly set the needed parameters for a spiralization to work - fixed UI bug where after saving settings or gcode files the brush and extruder settings will get scrambled in the UI - fixed implicit rendering and slicing bug --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.5-beta5 2020-09-11 --------------------------------- - added UI element to control positioning the geometry anywhere on the bed - fixed a rendering bug of implicits that made them float over the printing bed on certain orientations and CSG operations - reintroduced polyfoam optimization that was disabled due to a past bug - added printing setting 'force_auto_spirialize' to disable checks for overhanging geometry - console sliding panel now hiden when editing per-layer or field - fixed a freeze when editing per-layer or field when script was in error state - fixed bug of zeroed out internal printing settings after slicing and in the GCode file creation context - fixed assert when using JigSaw infiller and enabling supports for infill --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.5-beta4 2020-09-04 --------------------------------- - printing settings and tweaks persistence (i.e., save/load) on lua format by default. XML still present but no longer supported and will be most likely phased out in the next stable release - introduced progressive rendering for the g-code previewer - introduced UI option to set block size of progressive rendering step - fixed polyfoam issue with certain density parameters - fixed rendering bug when using CSG operations with implicits - fixed crash when quiting IceSL while the layer height optimizer was being used --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.5-beta3 2020-07-03 --------------------------------- - reworked gcode previewer - officially introduced service mode (i.e., batch processing) - more discernibale color gradient when using per layer editing - added tooltip for measuring tool - fixed crash when loading unsupported obj models - progress slider only affects now last layer shown - added printer profile 'Addiform_RRF' courtesy of Nathan Buxton (https://github.com/n8bot) --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.5-beta2 2020-05-20 --------------------------------- - fixed bug that rendered cellulars infillers unusable - fixed missing shell in certain print cases --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.5-beta1 2020-05-07 --------------------------------- - increased precision for the z-coordinate position of layers - introduced lua input tweaks 'ui_bool', 'ui_scalarBox', 'ui_numberBox', 'ui_text', 'ui_radio' and 'ui_combo' - reworked UI menus - added shell flow multiplier setting - added per-bursh ironing speed setting - improved polyfoam infill - improved distance fields (used in implicits and meshing) - improved mesh exporter service (corners cut in some situations) - proper filename suggestion of gcode output when saving after slicing - fixed rendering and mesh exporting bug on intel cards with driver - fixed bug when immediately slicing scripts with more than one brush and using printer with a less number of extruders - fixed crash when using mirror on implicit primitives - fixed orientation bug when using mirror in polygonal slices Forge: - fixed crash when using the Mouse Wheel + Ctrl on empty scripts - added support for non-ascii paths (Note: always use ASCII encoding on scripts) --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.4-beta5 2019-12-06 --------------------------------- - added printer BCN3D Sigma(X) R19 - added printer Geeetech A10 and A20 - added printer Flashforge Creator Pro - added Ironing to the gcode preview - settings order in UI changed for more clarity - fixed the update notification being disabled on previous beta - fixed cycles management - fixed Ironing specific speed being not properly used --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.4-beta4 2019-11-28 --------------------------------- - fixed some errors when eroding/dilating due to internal changes - fixed Ultimaker2 profile not tracking federate properly --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.4-beta3 2019-11-26 --------------------------------- - added a tool to edit/force supports placements - added ironing features (available as a brush setting) - added z_lift for travels - fixed some OpenGL extension wrongly requested (could lead to IceSL not launching properly) - fixed wings supports generation --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.4-beta2 2019-10-07 --------------------------------- - added automatic calculation of density based in distance to surface - added automatic calculation of density of covering supports - optimization of layer height and automatica density calculation are now UI elements in the settings panel - fixed minor displacement in trigger event of show/hide settings panel --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.3 2019-07-25 --------------------------------- Slicecrafter: - fixed bug preventing to paint in the web version --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.3-beta6 2019-07-19 --------------------------------- - introduced automatic spiralization (i.e. continuous print path for single closed surfaces) as a printer setting - CSG tree processing improved; stack overflow due to big trees no longer triggered - tweaks displayed in creation order - fixed gecode file suggestion when slicing an stl - bug fixes in non-squared renderering - bug fixes to UI - 'wait function' from minimum layer time disabled when printer profile doesn't support it - tower settings now in 'tower' group --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.3-beta5 2019-06-21 --------------------------------- - fixed bug where all prints would have minimum layer time - added tower and shield method for minimum layer time - fixed CSG processing bug - added custommizable UI color themes - french tooltips updated - minor tower generation bug fixed --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.3-beta4 2019-06-14 --------------------------------- - Added widescreen renderer (Standard Renderer): * Square renderer renamed to (Legacy Renderer) * Added menu to switch between renderers - improved path planning for cellular infills (polyfoam/shader/image): greater continuity and less stringing - experimental min. time per layer feature (work in progress). Implement printer profile function 'wait' to override default behavior - UI font switched to 'Cousine-Regular' by Steve Matteson - added printer LulzBot TAZ 6 by Brad Morgan - added printer Raised3D Pro 2 profile by Davide Battini - remapped field hot-keys to Fnc keys (i.e., F1, F2...) * 0-9 keys control the camera as it was before - saved UI status when painting and switching fields to allow faster editing. Forge: - fixed improper 3d texture release at exit - fixed bug where Slice to SVG service would not start Slicecrafter: - switched to WebGL 2.0 --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.3-beta3 2019-05-17 --------------------------------- - updated french tooltips - set_setting_value support for per-layer ratios - fixed major path orientation issue - fixed minor bugs in shields --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.3-beta2 2019-05-15 --------------------------------- - added undo/redo button for field editing - per-layer setting support for mixing ratios - support for manually setting the printing order of different paths (e.g., infills, shells, bridges, etc). - support for UI-input integers through lua function 'ui_number' - added hot-keys (0-9) for field editing open/close - support for UI-input values while field editing - improved polyfoam infill ordering - removed trailing zeros from UI printing settings - added/corrected missing/wrong tooltips Forge: * bug fixed in mouse wheel number modification Slicer: * added yaw roation UI when loading STL's * added 'clone' effect for printing multiple instances of a model in the same print Printer profiles: * added support for setting brush/extruder groups of printing parameters in features.lua (e.g., nozzle_diameter_mm = 0.4 instead of nozzle_diameter_mm_0 = 0.4; nozzle_diameter_mm_1 = 0.4...) * fixed bug where selection printing parameters (e.g., infill_type) could not be set in features.lua Added printer: * Prusa MK3S, Prusa MK3S with MMU2, Volumic Stream30 Pro MK2 Updated printers: * Dagoma DiscoEasy200, Prusa MK2S --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.3-beta1 2019-04-05 --------------------------------- - added nozzle width per extruder support - improved printing ordering and traveling in complex shapes - fixed bug in polyfoam minimum density - fixed slow down with shields+supports - fixed memory leak on "Export to Mesh" service --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.2 2019-03-14 --------------------------------- - introduced the option 'save after service'. This allows to slice before saving the gcode - allowed different top/bottom cover thickness - added 'Help' menu item - improved curve accuracy in printing paths - fixed bugs in color mixing UI - fixed bug where the processing unit while slicing would get (on certain isolated cases) very small and freeze IceSL - improved polyfoam infill rendering and output Slicer: * added drag and drop functionality on IceSL-Slicer, both Windows and Linux --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.2-beta2 2019-02-27 --------------------------------- - fixed a bug where screenshots would crash IceSL in Windows with user names with non-ascii characters - added global vars 'max_number_extruders' and 'max_number_brushes' to features.lua - updated linux dependencies - fixed bug in print subset of layers option SliceCrafter: * fixed bug that when slicing objects with infill density painted crashed the application * fixed bug that allowed polyfoam parameters appear in UI --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.2-beta1 2019-02-19 --------------------------------- - improved round surface quality in gcode output - reworked UI to allow for font size interface option - increased E axis precision in IceSL's processing pipeline - set_setting_value, when applied to the printer setting automatically switches to custom profile - added width/height tags to output of SVG exporter service - fix multiple bugs from the color mixing UI - fixed bug on set_setting_value not checking empty boxes - fixed bug preventing cavity calculation via the 'skeletal' tearing method - added error message when printer profile lua functiond do not return values when needed (i.e. 'prime' and 'retract') - fixed issue with polyfoam infill on intel cards - fixed bug where printer profiles without a custom-settings xml file would trigger an unhandled exception - fix bug of relative path use in scripts when loading printing settings from other fodler than the script's - - multiple fixes in color mixing - fix bug where downtime in icesl server would give a false positive update notification - added option to make watertight output meshes on 'Ribbon Mesh' method in 'Export to Mesh' service - Forge: * improved code completion * fixed bug when drag and dropping files with numbers on their filenames Linux & Slicecrafter: * changed window creation back-end from freeglut to glfw --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.1 2018-12-15 --------------------------------- - Fixed issue where curved covers would overlap --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3.0 2018-12-13 --------------------------------- - support for vector printing settings; set_setting_value, load/save printing parameters, better UI. - proper rendering of UI option 'labeling_mm_per_pixels' - minor fixes --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta8 - 2018-12-07 --------------------------------- - improved color mixing - improved 'wings' supports - fixed bug when slicing some particular heavy-CSG scripts - removed debug info output from remote fetching of tooltips - improved memory usage on scripts with a big number of 'emit' instructions - improved brim interaction with shields - added a tooltip warning when a printing profile produces an error Forge: * flushed undo buffer upon 'new', 'load' or 'drag' actions on the UI. --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta7 - 2018-12-04 --------------------------------- - added ability to create custom infillers based on images - added 'image_contouring'; extacts contours from images - added effect 'paint brushes'; paints models with different brushes - introduced highlighting of printing parameters defined by script - custom parameters in printer profiles now sorted in order of creation - added optional parameter to custom printing parameters to define default value - added color picker in parameter panel - added color legend to g-code previewer - fixed save/load printing parameters bugs in slicecrafter - improved color mixing - fixed bug where bbox(Void) was giving a [inf,-inf] bounding box - locale bug fixed --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta6 - 2018-11-16 --------------------------------- - Volume used output on console - Better control of polyfoam density - Bug fixed in material mixing - Boolean printing parameters can now be set per-layer through scripts - New mapping of values when setting boolean parameters per-layer/field: * 0.0 <= v < 0.5 False * 0.5 <= v <= 1 True where v is the value at a given layer/point Slicer: - Fixed bug of relative paths on first loading of scripts --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta5 - 2018-10-31 --------------------------------- - fixed bug with tooltips on custom printing settings - removed depecrated settings on polyfoam infill - fixed numerous bugs with 'wings' supports - fixed xy_mm_per_pix changing upon user cancel --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta4 - 2018-10-25 --------------------------------- - fixed a minor bug with cavity when using large nozzle diameters - fixed bug where numeric output in gcode would use a decimal comma - improved 'wings' supports and made default support method - fixed comptability bug with Intel HD 4000 v/cards. - fixed minor bug in color mixing rendering - temporarily disables hCSG renderer --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta3 - 2018-10-15 --------------------------------- - fixed 'wings' supports bugs --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta2 - 2018-10-11 --------------------------------- - improved 'wings' supports - added mouse wheel support for zooming - fixed bug in cover calculation with big nozzles - new application icons --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.3-beta1 - 2018-10-03 --------------------------------- - new support calculation method -- 'wings' - new rendering back end '-- HCSGRenderer'. - added cavity calculation as a printing parameter to significantly reduce printing time and material used. - greatly improved compatibility with reacursive-heavy scripts - introduced search bar for printing parameters - tooltips are now automatically updated at launch - support for curved covers - added option to fill small gaps in printing output - added option to only output subset of layers - improved support calculation - improved shields - improved placing of seams - new UI tweak 'pick' (see icesl-models/uitweaks/pick.lua) - improved slicing progress bar - improved g-code previewer UI - per-layer setting keys can now be set with keyboard input - 'set_setting_value' no longer prevents a script from exectuting when in error state - other minor fixes and improvements Forge: - added code completion - added automatic script editor folding upon slicing --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2.1 - 2018-07-09 --------------------------------- - fixed issue where single fill paths would go outside of the object when using polygonal slicer - added ‘number_of_layers’ variable, accessible to printer.lua --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2.0 - 2018-06-29 --------------------------------- - auto slicing algorithm automatically switches to discrete if polygonal method fails - fixed bug where stl files were not being cached properly when overwritten - height in per-layer parameter editing can now be directly input by typing the value. --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta12 - 2018-06-25 --------------------------------- - added support for custom infillers. See readme inside 'icesl-infillers' folder - added printers 'Big Builder Original' by Builder, 'Disco Easy 200', 'Discovery' and 'Neva' by Dagoma, 'Ender 2' by Ender, 'CR - 10S5' by Creality and 'FoldaRap Mega' (RepRap) - added missing tooltips - fixed brim/shield interactions - added button to open IceSL assets (e.g., icesl-models, icesl-infillers) - fixed minor bugs --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta11 - 2018-06-11 --------------------------------- - added set_setting_value for per layer settings - fixed issue with shield producing large GCode with polygonal slicer - font geometry creation support for unicode text * unicode support also extended to lua 'print' function. --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta10 - 2018-06-07 --------------------------------- - Users can now set printing settings directly from the lua script: * set_setting_value('printer_setting', value) * the above supports integer, float, boolean, combo boxes, and fields (i.e., painting) settings - Added the possibility to choose the slicing algorithm: * Auto: let IceSL decide * Discrete: robust method, performs well on highly detailed shapes, can slice anything (STLs, implicits, voxels), performance depends heavily on GPU specs and object XY extent. Method of choice for complex models. * Polygonal: limited to meshes with no defects, does not depend on GPU specs, performs well regardless of object XY extent, demanding on high polygon counts. Method of choice when slicing a single STL. - Improved ttf font geometry generation - Minor bugs fixed --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta8 - 2018-05-30 --------------------------------- - fixed major bug related to path orientation on filament slicing - deprecated set_tesselation_factor (currently a UI option) - custom printer settings can now be added to IceSL's UI from a printer profile: * use the following functions in file 'features.lua': - add_setting('internal_name', 'display name', min_value, max_value) - add_checkbox_setting('internal_name', 'display name') * these added custom settings can be queried in file 'printer.lua' * Example: - add_checkbox_setting('auto_leveling', 'Auto Leveling') [features.lua] - auto_leveling = false # default value [features.lua] - if auto_leveling == true then ... end [printer.lua] - smooth_voxels bug fixed - font geometry improved - added function 'load_image' (see documentation) - fixed bug with support pillar anchors - improved g-code previewer visualization --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta7 - 2018-05-25 --------------------------------- - improved path calculation in new infill methods --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta6 - 2018-05-24 --------------------------------- - new infill methods; progressive, cubic, polyfoam. Polyfoam infills are usefull for certain physical properties. - lua script error lines now correctly reported and marked up on Forge editor - implicit error reporting greatly improved - fixed cylinder creation bug when not strictly Z oriented - Slicer: * printing settings can now be loaded from command line - Linux: * cursor hidden when sizing widget present --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta4 - 2018-05-02 --------------------------------- - fixed bad visualizaton when painting and over the g-code previewer - fixed timestamp fetch bug in linux - Linux: * improved core-profile complaince with INTEL and NOUVEAU drivers --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta3 - 2018-04-19 --------------------------------- - improved opengl context intialization - added printer TEVO Tarantula --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta2 - 2018-04-16 --------------------------------- - rotate(xd,yd,zd) bug fixed - view centering after loading script fixed - imgui key_pressed signal bug fixed Forge: - Comment/uncomment section bug fix --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.2-beta1 - 2018-04-13 --------------------------------- - icesl is now OpenGL core-profile compliant - added icesl-standard and icesl-deprecated lua libraries * some lua functionality has been deprecated - added missing tooltips --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13 - 2018-04-12 --------------------------------- - added 'sections_extrude' lua function - added support for printers: * MP Select Mini 3D Printer V2 * Snapmaker 3-in-1 * Creality3D CR - 10 --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta9 - 2018-03-16 --------------------------------- - improved infilling using single paths to fill thin gaps (this is controlled by the ‘enable_fit_single_path’ parameter, enabled by default) --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta8 - 2018-03-12 --------------------------------- - fixed a bug where empty brims would lead to a crash - added folder 'events' to IceSL-models examples - added scalar printers: * Scalar S model * Scalar L model * Scalar XL premium model --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta7 - 2018-03-05 --------------------------------- - fixed icesl-slicer crash on minimized window --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta6 - 2018-03-04 --------------------------------- - fixed a bug where fan speed would be set before writing header ; resulting in issues with some profiles --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta5 - 2018-03-02 --------------------------------- - renamed “hierarchical” infill to “cubic”, added a “default” choice which selects what we consider the best current infill techniques (depending on constant, per-layer or field density) - fixed cursor size not being restored after painting a field - fixed cubic infill only taking into account field density (ignoring constant or per layer settings) - fixed cubic infill not being disabled on special cases of density = 0% or 100% - numerous internal minor improvements --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta4 - 2018-02-23 --------------------------------- - fixed bug where a ‘array’ difference with single primitive would crash (introduced in beta3) - disabled 3D progressive infills for now (introduced in beta3) --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta3 - 2018-02-21 --------------------------------- - 3d progressive infill (infill_type_*) and option to select extruder for infills - added interface to measure distance between points (ctrl + mouse_click) - added camera positioning and rotation shortcuts (num_keypad) - improved array versions of union, difference and intersection - added printing parameter to control fan speed (fan_speed_percent) - fixed a bug that crashed IceSL when resizing the window while opening a file - fixed minor bugs --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta2 - 2018-02-16 --------------------------------- - added 'Export to mesh' service - services 'Slice to mesh' and 'Slice to ribbon' are now included within 'Export to mesh' serviced - added missing supports translations - minor fixes --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.13-beta1 - 2018-02-03 --------------------------------- - added settings for supports (ground anchor diameter, pillar width) - fixed features.lua overriding profile and material variables - smoother trackball behavior - bind_tex3d_to_setting (experimental, binds a tex3d from script to a setting, tex3d has to be 64x64x64) - to_mesh_dual (experimental, dual contouring mesh extraction) --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.12 - 2018-02-02 --------------------------------- - fixed tooltips disappearing when discarding per-layer/field edits - corrected chinese layout - fixed crash when script file was rename or moved while loaded in IceSL - fixed ui_scalar bug (slider would jump back to default value when selecting sliding all the way right value) - fixed random ImGui crash - B9Creater and Ember services are no longer supported Forge: - updated syntax highlighting rules --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.11 - 2018-01-24 --------------------------------- - paint tweaks (ui_field, ui_field_value_at) - chinese localization added - save/load tweaks in file specified from script with ui_file - scene navigation no longer performs a camera 'roll' (press 'r' in IceSL-slicer to restore roll) - added ‘script_file’ built-in variable - added ‘enable_variable_cache’ built-in variable - cellular_paint model (lua) - added brush opacity in paint - added 'synthesize' function - fixed multiple color mixing bugs - fixed cursor disappearing during paint - fixed profiles, removing G28 (homing) at the end - missing tooltips - unified button style across interfaces Slicer: - added 'sculpt' and 'paint spikes' effects - user can now enter precise values in mesh scale (icesl-slicer) Forge: - fixed editing warning state on first edit - fixed crash when slicing non-saved scripts - fixed bug preventing language change - fixed sizing widget size bug when entering a specific value on non-english windows distributions --------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.10 - 2017-12-13 --------------------------------- - 'distribute' centroids are now sorted, this avoids centroids order changing upon different calls, due to distribute's parallel implementation. Windows: - Installing with 'all users' option is enabled. Slicer: - slicer.lua temporary file is deleted upon exit. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.9 - 2017-12-11 -------------------------------- - Fixed a case where bottom covers would not appear - Small brush sizes are clamped to ensure something is always painted -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.8 - 2017-12-08 -------------------------------- - Fixed and improved several UI and interaction aspects when painting. - Parameter 'Number of Covers' is now replaced with 'Cover thickness (mm)'. - Fixed painting rendering bug with ATI cards. - Improved error reporting from dilate/erode funtions. - Fixed minor bugs. Forge: - 'Open File' now defaults to IceSL's example folder. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.7 - 2017-11-27 -------------------------------- (In addition to all features described in beta releases below:) - Update notifications are now presented as an update icon on the top right corner of the slicer. - Further improvements to the SVG slicer (tailored to laser cutting). - Improvements to tower generation for multi-material printers. - Fixed minor rendering issues. - Added French and Spanish missing translations. - Added profile for Prusa MK2 Multi-material Forge: - Fixed minor file management IceSL-forge issues. - Backup files are now deleted when the user confirms closing a script without saving. Windows: - Effects, models and printer profiles have been moved to the User's Application Data folder under the folders 'icesl-effects', 'icesl-models' and 'icesl-printers' respectively. Linux: - version is now distributed as a zipped universal binary. See the file 'dependencies.txt' to know the dependencies before running IceSL. Scripting: - svg_ex: corrected interfaces 'fillColor' and 'strokeColor', they now return a table of three elements containing the normalized (i.e. 0.0 - 1.0) rgb components. - svg_ex: added 'hasFill', 'hasStroke' and 'strokeWidth' interfaces. - svg_ex: fixed a loading bug, multiple-shape paths are now loaded correctly. [Important] We are making some changes to our release policy to allow for faster updates: * Linux and Windows versions will no longer be released synchronously: update notifications are now platform-dependent. * We have dropped 32bits installers from future releases. Write to us if you really need them. * Effects, models and printer profiles are now available as public github repositories (BSD license). We welcome contributions! -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.7-beta6 - 2017-11-12 -------------------------------- - Fixed issue with brim not being generated. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.7-beta5 - 2017-11-11 -------------------------------- - Added option to use a thicker first layer. (variables use_different_thickness_first_layer and z_layer_height_first_layer) - New profile for QIDI printer, contributed by user Maze Mietner. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.7-beta4 - 2017-11-10 -------------------------------- - Added option to use a thicker first layer (variables use_different_thickness_first_layer and z_layer_height_first_layer). - Improved tower for switching extruders (purge). - Shield no longer used for priming after extruder swap (simpler approach: use tower for priming, shield for protection). - Minor GUI improvements. - Fixed cases where tower brim overlapped part brim. - Fixed rare issue where brim would have incorrect geometry. - Added possibility to allow io and os packages in scripts. (GUI menus and command line options --os,--io in icesl-slicer). - Printers can now be defined in %appdata%\IceSL (usually folder C:\Users\YOUR_LOGIN\AppData\Roaming\IceSL\). -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.7-beta3 - 2017-11-06 -------------------------------- - Added clipping tool during painting. - Added reset button for profiles. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.7-beta2 - 2017-11-05 -------------------------------- - Fixed a bug with painting cursors moving erratically. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.7-beta1 - 2017-11-04 -------------------------------- - Painting possible * Paint where z-seams should go. * Paint interdiction regions for supports. * Paint variable infill densities!! - Ability to save / load setting files. - Display of z-seams locations on gcode preview. - SVG slicer has been thoroughly improved to allow more and better output for laser cutters. - Supports no longer produce zero-length pillars. - Brim paths are now sorted like all other paths. - Revisited thickening of thin features, exposed additional parameters. - Fixed shield exiting on assert on multi-material prints. - Fixed exit on assert when no paths are produced. - Fixed some printer profiles that would not properly prime the filament. after a retract, resulting in holes. - Improved slicing robustness. - Fixed several rendering issues. - Fixed several minor UI issues. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.6 - 2017-09-25 -------------------------------- - Fixed rendering and slicing issues on very small specific objects. - Handled cases of primitive creation with NaN or INF parameters. - Repositioned g-code window to accommodate to service panel show status. - Added missing update text translations. - Implemented a timeout (5 seconds) for retrieving update notifications. - Improved installer. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.5 - 2017-09-20 -------------------------------- - Added effects for easy customization of models directly in IceSL-slicer! - Added multi-material support, with ooze shields, prime towers, and active temperature control. - Added Ultimaker 3 support! - Exposed many additional settings, for travels in particular. - IceSL-slicer can now load models in different brushes, for multi-material printing. - Introduced single path fills for shells in thin areas. - Improved performance for cursor and tweaks interaction. - Novel rendering engine for implicit volumes. - Improved path geometry in gcode generation. - Added option to disable script auto-execution in IceSL-forge. - Service panel status (shown/hidden) is now saved between executions. - IceSL can now recover unsaved scripts (i.e. after closing unexpectedly.). - Capped cache memory on lua scripts to prevent slow behavior. - Fixed filament length calculation issue. - Fixed crash while exporting to mesh very small objects. - Reworked the advanced settings layout to avoid clogging up the service panel. - Increased precision on 3D rotations. - Improved GUI interaction and fixed minor GUI issues. - Installer no longer requires uninstallation of previous IceSL version. [Important] * To ease keeping IceSL up to date to the latest 3d specifications, printer profiles are now versioned. * Any user-created printed profile that does not specify a version will be ignored. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.3 - 2017-07-27 -------------------------------- - Improved GUI * Fully translated (en,sp,fr). * Display filament length . * Display estimated print time. * Display model extents in side bar. * Improved per-layer interface. * Fixed issue with numpad input. - Rendering * Added bed display for B9 / Ember. * Fixed bug with bed rendering (incorrect size). - Slicing * Reduced G-code file size (less comments). -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.1.0 - 2017-07-07 -------------------------------- - Per-layer settings!  * Simple UI for specifying smooth, per layer parameter variations.  * Smooth adaptive slicing (+ optimizer for automatic selection).  * Progressive 3D infills.  * Per-layer temperature and speeds. - Complete overhaul of the user interface:  * New Icesl-slicer application for slicing 3D models without having to write scripts.  * New setting panel for a simplified slicing experience.  * Unified interface for Icesl-forge, Icesl-slicer and SliceCrafter.  * Multiple language support (around 90% of the on-screen text), English, Spanish and French are supported.  * Profiles for printers and materials (can be customized).   - Major improvements to the slicing engine:  * Support for per-layer settings across all algorithms.  * Support structures now give much better results.  * More parameters are exposed for support structures generation.  * Fixed bug in preserve thin features, which now works as expected.  * Added an optional raft.  * Improved retraction strategy and infilling of thin areas.  * Slicing now can repair small topological errors. -------------------------------- IceSL version 2.0.8 - 2017-06-16 -------------------------------- - added 64bits version for Windows. - added example lattice.lua. - added progress bar during slicing in icesl-vanilla. - added cancellation of current processing in both icesl-forge and icesl-vanilla. - added G-code generation for laser cutters. - added possibility to skip releases until next one. - improved support for 'distribute' functionality on AMD, Intel and NVidia. - improved error reporting. - improved UI to show only active brushes and tools. - several minor fixes.